T 778 AV Surround Sound Ontvanger

T 778 AV Surround Sound Ontvanger

AD’s referentie Audio Video Receiver (AVR) is een geavanceerde krachtpatser voor state of the art muziek en thuisbioscoop. Het referentiemodel van het merk, dat bekend staat om zijn hoogwaardige reputatie in de categorie AVR, bouwt voort op die erfenis met een uitbreiding van de onwrikbare filosofie van real-world performance, eenvoud van bediening en toekomstige opwaardeerbaarheid.

T 758 V3i A/V Surround Sound Ontvanger

T 758 V3i A/V Surround Sound Ontvanger

De T 758 V3i is een prestatie-update van onze bekroonde T 758 A/V Surround Sound Receiver en zet de ‘simple is better’ ontwerpfilosofie van NAD voort door het leveren van een vloeiende, gebruiksvriendelijke ervaring. Van levensechte surround sound prestaties tot hartslag, de T 758 V3i is een ware traktatie voor de zintuigen. Door gebruik te maken van NAD’s eigen MDC-technologie is de T 758 V3i klaar voor toekomstige upgrades en functies. Met 4K UltraHD video biedt de T 758 V3i een levendige en boeiende presentatie als het gaat om het nieuwste op het gebied van digitale videotechnologie. Compleet met AV-presets die u kunt aanpassen, geeft de T 758 V3i u totale controle over wat u hoort en hoe u het ziet. De NAD AV Remote iOS-app om van je smartphone een afstandsbediening te maken, kun je gratis downloaden.

C 3050 Stereofonische Versterker

C 3050 Stereofonische Versterker

In de C 3050 stereofonische versterker ontmoet NAD’s 50-jarige geschiedenis van innovatie de toekomst van hifi. Met zijn dubbele VU-meters, drukknop-ingangsselectoren, met walnoot afgewerkte vinyl beklede behuizing en jaren ’70 cursieve stijl, herinnert de C 3050 aan de componenten die een generatie muziekliefhebbers het plezier van geweldige audio lieten ontdekken. Met zijn 100-watt-per-kanaal HybridDigital UcD-versterker en de hoge-resolutie differentiële DAC van Texas Instruments levert de C 3050 geluid dat de veeleisende luisteraars van vandaag in vervoering brengt. En dankzij NAD’s MDC2 toekomstbestendige technologie kunnen bezitters van een C 3050 geavanceerde mogelijkheden toevoegen, zoals BluOS hoge-resolutie multi-room streaming en Dirac Live ruimtecorrectie.

C 700 V2 BluOS Streaming versterker

NAD C700

Via zijn Hybrid Digital UCD eindtrap kan de C700 V2 2x 80 watt continu vermogen leveren voor een perfecte weergave van muzikale transiënten. Sluit er een set van de beroemde B&W luidsprekers op aan en gebruik de Bluos App op je smartphone.

De C700 is voorzien van een internetradio en biedt mogelijkheid om via Tidal of Qobuz muziek af te spelen van cd kwaliteit of high resolutie audio en MQA decodering. Andere muziekspelers zoals Spoyify zijn ook aanwezig. Je eigen muziek op stick of harde schijf kan probleemloos gespeeld worden. Met de tweeweg APTX HD Bluetooth kan ook de muziek naar je draadloze hoofdtelefoon gestuurd worden. De HDMI eARC aansluiting zorgt ervoor dat je content van de tv direct kan afspelen via de C700 V2.

Afstandsbediening is bijgeleverd.
Voor het aansluiten van de platenspeler is er een phono-input aanwezig.

C 316BEE V2 Integrated Amplifier

C 316BEE Integrated Amplifier

Our scene-stealing C 315BEE, an award-winning design that exceeded all expectations, has given rise to the C 316BEE Integrated Amplifier. The C 316BEE promises improved power efficiency, a healthy dose of ‘green’ attributes, and serious musical performance. The C 316BEE also offers entry-level affordability, and for many there will never be a need for another amplifier. With class-leading specifications for noise, distortion, power, stereo separation and volume control tracking, the C 316BEE sets new benchmarks for performance, both measured and audible. The sonic result is a relaxed and inviting sound that digs out the subtle details in your favourite recordings and presents them across a panoramic stereo soundstage.

Innovative Twist on Proven Technology

Proprietary PowerDrive™ Circuit offers a remarkable combination of high current drive needed for complex loudspeaker loads combined with high levels of undistorted dynamic power. Bjørn Erik Edvardsen, our Director of Advanced Development, developed a simplified version of PowerDrive for the C 316BEE.

Enviro Chic

Thanks to its innovative technology, standby power consumption is less than 1 watt. The C 316BEE uses lead-free silver solder and is constructed free of hazardous materials.


True to our enviable reputation for creating some of the best performing budget amplifiers of all time, the C 316BEE delivers huge performance without the huge price tag.
Dynamic Power Reserves

Continuous power is a conservative 40 watts and dynamic power, which is more important for music listening, is remarkably more than 100 watts! Far more usable power on tap than other amps at this price point.

Keeping it Simple

The C 316BEE has everything necessary for musical enjoyment, yet it is refreshingly limited to the_ essentials: six inputs, one set of speakers, a headphone jack and full function remote control.
Impressive Capacity

While the C 316BEE embodies simplicity, it is far from a ‘stripped down’ product. It is fully equipped to be the control centre for a high performance music system.

C 328 Hybrid Digital DAC Amplifier

[block]C 328 Hybrid Digital DAC Amplifier











For 45 years, NAD Electronics has introduced aspiring audiophiles to the vast world of hi-fi. From our flagship Masters Series, to our budget-friendly Classic Series, NAD has a component for everyone. Following in the footsteps of some of NAD’s greatest units, the NAD C 328 delivers the most fundamental of features, while firmly adhering to NAD’s unwavering commitment to exquisite sound. The C 328 can wirelessly connect to any smartphone, tablet, or Bluetooth®-enabled device within range, to give you a seamless listening experience. Featuring a MM phono input, the C 328 breathes new life into vinyl LPs, thanks in part to NAD’s innovative Hybrid Digital™ amp technology. The C 328 also features a headphone amplifier, letting you connect your favourite headphones and settle back into your own world of detailed sound. Although more modest in comparison to other Classic Series amplifiers, the C 328 will fit perfectly into your existing system and bring you the musical nirvana you’ve been searching for.

C 338 Hybrid Digital Integrated Amplifier

[block]C 338 Hybrid Digital Integrated Amplifier






Classic Amplifiers. Intelligent. Powerful. Efficient. Bluetooth.
When it comes time to create a product, we never overlook the most crucial of requirements. From low noise circuits to precise volume control action, to accurate channel balance and proper input and output impedance characteristics, we here at NAD do everything we can to get these things exactly right.  We also include an MM Phono stage with precisely accurate RIAA equalization, high overload margins, extremely low noise, and an innovative circuit to suppress infrasonic noise that is present on all LPs – all without affecting bass response. Our line inputs can accommodate all kinds of analogue source components by offering ideal input impedance characteristics with linear ultra-low-noise buffer amplifiers to prevent any sonic degradation caused by inappropriate loading of the source device. We include a separate headphone amplifier with low output impedance and very high output voltage capability – enough to drive even high impedance studio monitor headphones. Low impedance line outputs that can connect to subwoofers extend the versatility of this well thought out amplifier. These are all details you can hear.

C 389 HybridDigital DAC Amplifier

C 389 HybridDigital DAC Amplifier

The NAD C 389 HybridDigital DAC amplifier can serve as the cornerstone of a high-performance audio system now – and for decades to come. Employing NAD’s proven HybridDigital UcD amplifier design and the same ESS Sabre DAC used in NAD’s acclaimed M33 BluOS streaming amplifier, the C 389 will deliver thrilling dynamics and exquisite detail from all your sources.

With its full suite of digital and analogue inputs, including an ultra-low-noise phono stage and HDMI eARC interface, the C 389 can accommodate all your source components. And it incorporates the latest generation of NAD’s Modular Designs Construction future-proofing technology, making it easy to add exciting capabilities such as BluOS high-res music streaming and Dirac Live room correction.

C 399
Hybride digitale DAC-versterker

C 399 Hybride digitale DAC-versterker

Als het nieuwe vlaggenschip van NAD’s Classic serie geïntegreerde versterkers, tilt de C 399 HybridDigital DAC-versterker NAD’s toewijding aan duurzame waarde en sonische uitmuntendheid naar een geheel nieuw niveau.

De C 399 maakt gebruik van NAD’s Hypex HybridDigital nCore versterkerschakelingen, die tot nu toe alleen beschikbaar waren op versterkers van de Masters serie. Het digitale gedeelte is opgebouwd rond een 32-bit/384kHz ESS Sabre DAC, dezelfde chip die wordt gebruikt in NAD’s befaamde M10 en M33 Masters Serie versterkers.

De C 399 is de eerste versterker die is uitgerust met de nieuwste generatie MDC-technologie (Modular Design Construction) van NAD. Met MDC2 kunnen gebruikers optionele modules toevoegen die functies bieden als BluOS multi-room music streaming en Dirac Live room correction.

C538 CD Player

C538 CD PlayerThe NAD C 538 includes many desirable features that enhance listening pleasure. Front panel controls are duplicated on the hand held remote allowing Play, Pause, Skip, and Scan functions. In addition, many more features are available from the remote handset, such as RANDOM: Tracks/files are played at random mode, PROGRAM: Enter or exit program mode, REPEAT: Track, file, folder or whole disc is repeated, RPT A-B: Playback sequence is repeated. The dimmable dot matrix display shows tracks, total playing time. Track time, disc time, and remaining time are all available. The C 538 also can play CD-R/CD-RW discs allowing you to burn songs from your computer for playback on your CD Playing system.

MDC MK2-BluOS Module  for C399 – C389 – C379 – C3050

MDC  Bluos Module for c 368

[block]MDC DD-BluOS Module









Easily integrate Hi-Res Audio, network streaming, and music control BluOS App in your C 368 and C388.

Direct Digital DAC Amplifier or Masters M12 Digital Preamp DAC. Featuring BluOS, the music management software developed by NAD’s sister brand, Bluesound, the DD-BluOS module is a complete digital music solution at an amazingly affordable price. Thanks to the forward-looking innovation of Modular Design Construction, you can now add BluOS network and internet music streaming with advanced music management to your NAD C 390DD or M12.

As an internal module there are no external wires or power supplies required and integration with the C 390DD or M12 operating firmware is hand-in-glove. Both Ethernet and Wi-Fi operate in asynchronous mode for lowest jitter performance and allow connection to music stored anywhere on the local network or streamed directly from the Internet using a popular music services like Spotify Connect, Rdio, and Slacker. You can also play music from a USB drive or hard drive via the USB A port.

In addition to a standard Local Area Network, BluOS requires an iOS or Android smartphone or tablet (NAD offers free iOS and Android Apps) to control and manage your music. While the expected functions of Play/Pause/Skip are present, BluOS also brings all of your music together integrating locally stored music (like iTunes) and music streaming services. BluOS does not rely on middleware like UPnP/DLNA/AirPlay with their inherent limitations, but instead creates direct shares with music in all formats including FLAC, ALAC and WAV with data rates up to 24/192. Playlists can be created and managed right inside the BluOS App. Gapless playback is supported and the DD-BluOS is fully compatible with Bluesound High-Res Wireless Multi-room Players to form integrated whole-house systems. Includes an external USB WiFi module to optimize signal strength.

C558 Turntable

C558 Turntable

Throughout our rich 45-year history, NAD Electronics has been offering high performance turntables at unbelievably stellar prices. A component that critical listeners can applaud for its musical quality, and one that almost anybody can afford, the NAD C 558 is a full-featured, belt-driven model targeted for record enthusiasts everywhere. Pre-fitted with an Ortofon OM10 phono cartridge, the C 558 features a belt drive for maximum noise isolation, as well as a precision AC motor with isolated AC power supply that has universal voltage. Complimented by a glass platter with felt pad, a MDF plinth, and a low resonance dust cover, the C 558 delivers an outstanding listening experience unlike any other.

C588 Turntable

C588 Turntable

Having exact pitch (speed) is important, but human hearing is much more sensitive to momentary changes in speed which we express with the terms Wow and Flutter. As its name sounds, Wow is a slow cyclical speed variation. The most severe example is the sound of a severely warped record, where the stylus travels faster on the rising side of the warp and slower on the descending side, causing abrupt changes in musical pitch. Flutter is what we call very fast and small variations that are usually generated by the motor. The C 588 addresses both of these problems with proven and effective solutions. A specialized, high precision, synchronous clock motor is both very smooth and accurate, especially when driven from a stable AC voltage. To ensure a clean and stable AC voltage we isolate the AC Mains by first converting it to a clean DC voltage, and then electronically generating the precise AC frequency to regulate the synchronous motor. Using a specially formulated belt to drive the platter further filters and isolates any remaining vibration. All rotating parts are made from aluminum alloy machined to very tight tolerances to eliminate any eccentricity or vibration in the drive system.

The C 588 features a custom designed carbon fiber tonearm shaft with a fixed metal head shell and features a decoupled counterweight and magnetic anti-skate compensation. An Ortofon 2M Red cartridge is factory installed and offers superb tracking and a delicately nuanced full range sound. The C 588 uses a longer than usual 9” tonearm to optimize overhang and reduce the tracking angle error. To perfectly align the stylus we include adjustments for azimuth and vertical tracking angle, and include a gauge to calibrate the alignment, a rarity at this price point.

Belt Driven Turntable 33/45
10mm Glass Plater with Felt Pad
Precision Alloy Sub Platter
Precision AC Motor
Isolated AC Power Supply with Universal Voltage
9” Carbon Fibre Tonearm with Fixed Head Shell
Ortofon 2M Red Cartridge Preinstalled
Vertical Tracking Angle and Azimuth Adjustment
Rigid MDF Plinth
Metal Feet with Tuned Isolation
Low Resonance Dustcover
Detachable High Quality RCA Cable with separate Ground

C658 BluOS Streaming DAC


As we move deeper into the 21st Century the way music is distributed and enjoyed continues to evolve away from physical media to streaming. It also has moved away from analog to digital. The C 658 has incorporated these fundamental truths to create an entirely new type of component that combines a Network Streamer, a state-of-the art DAC, and many aspects of the traditional Preamplifier into a single highly cost effective package. And thanks to NAD’s exclusive Modular Design Construction, it will keep pace with the latest technology, not yet introduced, but inevitably coming in the future. In fact, an optional HDMI 4k switcher module is available now allowing the best sound from any of the many HDMI sources available (like game consoles and video STBs). While the C 658 immediately replaces (or adds) your Streamer, DAC, and Preamp, it also adds many new features you may not be aware of, like a Bluetooth aptX HD transmitter to use with your wireless headphones. The highly flexible outputs allow for a true balanced connection to powered speakers or amplifiers. Single-ended connections for amplifiers and subwoofers are also provided and include an adjustable subwoofer crossover executed perfectly in the digital domain. A highly sophisticated MM Phono input is also included along with line inputs for legacy analog components.

Also on board is BluOS, the most sophisticated High Res streaming system available. BluOS natively supports over 15 streaming music services and indexing of over 250,000 tracks from local network sources. The C 658 becomes a node in the BluOS ecosystem allowing high res network streaming to 64 zones and control options for iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OS phones, tablets, and desk top devices. BluOS also supports all major smart home controllers and is available in a wide range of products making it easy to create a whole house audio system with the C 658 at its heart.

C298 Stereo Power Amplifier Purifi Eigentakt technology

C298 C298 Stereo Power Amplifier

NAD has introduced some of the most innovative amplifier technology in its nearly 50 year history, starting with the 3020 on through such cutting edge models as the 2200, the 208, and the M2. Now we are making the amazing new Eigentakt™ (self-clocking) technology, recently introduced to the world in the EISA Award winning Masters M33, available to a wider audience with the very affordable C 298. We are thrilled to provide this unprecedented level of performance. In short, a perfect companion for the C 658 BluOS Streaming DAC pre-amp.

C 268 Hybrid Digital Integrated Amplifier

[block]C 268 Hybrid Digital Integrated Amplifier








A remarkably affordable stereo amplifier, the NAD C 268 has features and technology unmatched by other amplifiers in its class. Designed for multiple stereo setups, the C 268 can be used in a variety of scenarios, including traditional stacks with a preamplifier or for bi-amping your favourite loudspeakers. The NAD C 268 is even bridgeable, seamlessly transforming its bountiful output from 80 x 2 to an outstanding 300 watts. Although the C 268 may appear to be a straightforward power amplifier, this Classic Series amp is brimming with rich features that will elevate your system.

M23 Stereo Vermogensversterker

M23 Stereo Vermogensversterker

Voortbouwend op NAD’s lange traditie van het identificeren en ontwikkelen van geavanceerde versterkertechnologie, is de M23 HybridDigital Stereo Power Amplifier voorzien van Purifi Audio’s Eigentakt™ ontwerp, een innovatie die zijn weerga niet kent en harmonische en intermodulatievervorming vrijwel elimineert. Ruis is onhoorbaar, voor een volledig zwarte achtergrond en exquise micro-detail. Met een conservatieve rating van 2x200W continu in 8 ohm en 2x380W in 4 ohm, kan de M23 live prestatieniveaus leveren via elke luidspreker. Met zijn unieke combinatie van kenmerken, prestaties en waarde vertegenwoordigt de M23 de nieuwe standaard voor de stereoversterker.

M28 Seven Channel Power Amplifier
Prijs: 7999 €

M28 Seven Channel Power Amplifier

The Masters M28 Seven Channel Power Amplifier epitomises the ultimate in what is possible with today’s amplification techonology. It is one of the very first amplifiers to employ Purifi’s Eigentakt™ amplifier technology.

Rated conservatively at 200W per channel (8 ohms) and well over 320W dynamic power (8 ohms; all channels driven), the result is breath-taking, lifelike surround sound performance, be it from the latest action-packed film with tremendous dynamics or a subtle classical piece with delicate and detailed passages. The M28 can accept both balanced and single-ended inputs, and features high-quality binding posts for speaker connection. The compact dimensions of this highly energy-efficient design belie the massive amount of power available for the most demanding music and movies.

M33 BluOS® Streaming DAC Amplifier
Prijs: 5799 €

M33 BluOS® Streaming DAC Amplifier

In its simplest form, the M33 BluOS™ enabled DAC/amplifier is an ultra-high-performance streaming amplifier with superb audiophile sound. As a BluOS enabled component, the M33 can be combined with other players in a BluOS ecosystem of wirelessly networked music players throughout the home for an outstanding whole-home audio system. With the employment of the new Purifi Eigentakt™ Hybrid Digital amplifier technology, the M33 follows NAD’s long-standing tradition in identifying and developing cutting-edge amplification technology. With a minimum of 200W per channel on tap, the result is lifelike performance, exemplified by ultra-low distortion and noise.

M10 V3 BluOS Streaming Amplifier
Prijs: 2499 €

M10 V2

The audio world has shifted. Where once available solely on discs, the best quality of music is now delivered over the internet. Not only does it sound better, but entire catalogues of recorded music are more accessible than ever before. Curated playlists make music selection and discovery easy and fun, while multi-room wireless audio multiplies the possibilities. With the NAD Masters M10 we combine all of this goodness with state-of-the-art amplification to make it an all-in-one solution that will transport you to your favourite musical destination.

CI 580 V2 BluOS Network Music Player  (nieuw)
Prijs: 1.849 €

[block]CI 580 BluOS Network Music Player







The CI 580 packs 4 stereo zones into a 1U rack space to provide the most flexible and cost-effective BluOS™ package. Multiple CI 580s can be used to provide as many zones as required, and each zone can be grouped together in perfect sync using the BluOS Controller App, or you can play individual streams in different zones simultaneously.

CI 980 Multi-Channel Amplifier
Prijs: 1.499 €

[block]CI 980 Multi-Channel Amplifier










8 channels of clean NAD Power
With the CI 980, NAD introduces a new generation of high performance amplification for custom installation and distributed audio systems. By utilizing the latest high efficiency switching amplifier technology, the CI 980 is and all-new design built to be small, light, and very energy efficient, without compromising the superb musical sound quality for which NAD is known. The CI 980 has 8 channels of clean, low distortion power set up in a 4 stereo zone configuration. Boasting 50 watts per channel, the CI 980 is designed to drive low impedance speakers and long wire runs.

CI 8-120 DSP Multi-Channel Amplifier
Prijs: 3.499 €

CI 8-120 DSP Multi-Channel Amplifier

Smart CI Solution with Audiophile Performance for Distributed Audio

Our eight-channel powerhouse promises NAD’s legendary performance with reliability and stability with lots of  installer-friendly features. The NAD CI 8-120 is an advanced amplifier targeted squarely at high performance distributed audio systems. Delivering a conservative 8 x 120 watts per channel @ 8 ohm, it is also bridgeable to 4 x 200 watts per channel @ 8 ohm. IHF Dynamic Power in bridged mode is 4 x 350 watts per channel @ 4 ohm. To put it simply, the CI 8-120 will drive most anything you need in your multi-room audio system.

The hybrid digital amplifier platform delivers stable and efficient power with high current capability, all in a slim 1U rack space. To make this level of performance possible, the CI 8-120 DSP uses a customized version of the proven Hypex UcD output stage. This allows for massive power with extremely low distortion and noise in the audible range. Every detail of this design has been carefully executed to wring out every last drop of performance. Designed to deal with the demands of the CI world, it was made to handle long cable runs and difficult speaker loads.

NAD is keenly aware that reliability is paramount for a professional installer so all models will be based on tried and true amplification platforms delivering stable and reliable performance. The CI 8-120 amplifier is stable at 4 ohm impedance. A variety of power methods are available as well as an Eco mode setting for minimal power consumption.

8 Channels X 120 Watts @ 8 Ohms
Bridgeable to 4 Channels X 200 Watts @ 8 Ohms
Renowned NAD sonic signature
1U Rack Height- saves valuable rack space
Platform accessed through IP control
Custom web app manages DSP calibration, IP control and more
Effectively handles long cable runs and difficult speaker loads
Dual global Inputs/Outputs
5W Standby Mode, 3W Network Standby
12V Trigger In; IR In/Out
Auto Sense Turn-on
Universal AC Power Supply

CI 8-150 DSP Multi-Channel Amplifier
Prijs: 4.599 €

CI 8-150 DSP Multi-Channel Amplifier

Our eight-channel powerhouse promises NAD’s legendary performance with reliability and stability with lots of installer-friendly Features. The all-new CI 8-150 DSP is an advanced amplifier targeted squarely at audiophile-grade distributed audio systems. Delivering a conservative 8 x 150 Watts per channel @ 8 Ohms, it is also bridgeable to 4 x 280 Watts per channel @ 8 Ohms with all channels driven. To put it simply, the CI 8-150 will drive most anything you need in your multi-room audio system, and will do so with remarkable sound quality.

Smart CI Solution with Audiophile Performance for Distributed Audioy.

The Ncore amplifier platform delivers stable and efficient power with high current capability, all in a slim 1U rack space. To make this level of performance possible, the CI 8-150 DSP uses a customized version of the proven Ncore output stage. This allows for massive power with extremely low distortion and noise in the audible range. Every detail of this design has been carefully executed to wring out every last drop of performance. Designed to deal with the demands of the CI world, it was made to handle long cable runs and difficult speaker loads.

For additional flexibility for the system designer, the CI 8-150 offers multiple inputs including an additional two coax inputs and two optical inputs.

NAD is keenly aware that reliability is paramount for a professional installer so all models will be based on tried and true amplification platforms delivering stable and reliable performance. The CI 8-150 amplifier is robust and stable at 4 Ohm impedance. A variety of power methods are available as well as an Eco mode setting for minimal power consumption.

8 Channels x 150 Watts @ 8 Ohms
Bridgeable to 4 Channels X 280 Watts @ 8 Ohms, all channels driven
Ncore amplifier technology for audiophile sound quality
2U Rack Height- saves valuable rack space
Platform accessed through IP control
Custom web app manages DSP calibration, IP control and more
Effectively handles long cable runs and difficult speaker loads
Dual global Inputs/Outputs
0.5W Standby Mode, 3W Network Standby
12V Trigger In; IR In/Out
Auto Sense Turn-on
Universal AC Power Supply

CI 16-60 DSP Multi-Channel Amplifier
Prijs: 3.249 €

CI 16-60 DSP Multi-Channel Amplifier

Like every NAD product, legendary high performance is at the heart of this 16 channel amplifier. Promising reliability, stability and a variety of installer-friendly features, this amplifier will redefine the way you view high performance distributed audio systems.

Smart CI Solution with Audiophile Performance for Distributed Audio

Highly versatile and robust, the CI 16-60 is built for the demands of professional installations. This amplifier delivers a conservative 60 watts per channel at 8 ohms into all of its 16 channels with each pair of channels bridgeable to 140 watts per channel if more power is desired. The hybrid digital amplifier platform delivers stable and efficient power with high current capability all in a compact 2U rack space.

The CI 16-60 DSP uses a customized version of the proven Hypex UcD output stage to deliver great load invariant power with extremely low distortion and noise in the audible range. Every detail of this design has been carefully executed to bring out the best possible performance. Meticulously designed and built to deal with the demands of the custom installation market, the CI 16-60 can effortlessly handle long cable runs and difficult speaker loads.

NAD is keenly aware that reliability is paramount for a professional installer so all models will be based on tried and true amplification platforms delivering stable and reliable performance. The CI 16-60 amplifier is stable at 4 ohm impedance. A variety of power on methods are available as well as an Eco mode setting for minimal power consumption.

16 Channels X 60 Watts @ 8 Ohms
Any consecutive channel pair bridgeable to 2 x 140 Watts @ 8 ohm
Renowned NAD sonic signature
2U Rack Height- saves valuable rack space
Platform accessed through IP control
Custom web app manages DSP calibration, Input assignments and more
Effectively handles long cable runs and difficult speaker loads
Dual global Inputs/Outputs
5W Standby Mode, 3W Network Standby
12V Trigger In; IR In/Out
Multiple power-up options and Eco Mode
Universal AC Power Supply

CI 720 V2 Network Stereo Zone Amplifier (nieuw)
Prijs: 999 €

[block]CI 720 Network Stereo Zone Amplifier








The 60-watt per channel, single-zone CI 720 Network Stereo Zone Amplifier with HybridDigital™ amplification technology is the perfect addition to today’s most advanced custom home audio systems. Featuring 60 watts per channel, and powered by BluOS™, the advanced music management operating system, the CI 720 allows you to access and stream 24-bit high-res music with the control of a smartphone or tablet via Ethernet and third-party control systems like Control4, Crestron, RTI and URC.
